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Interview with Gabriela Velazquez - the founder of VonGav Etsy Shop

Meet our inspiring community memeber Gabriela "Gav" Velazquez @_vongav_, who has taken the leap from a successful career in Argentina to exploring her passion for art in the vibrant city of Berlin. After years of cultivating her artistic talents as a personal hobby, she decided to turn her creativity into a thriving business on Etsy. With a background in the arts and a love for self-expression, she has transformed her new home into both a canvas and a launchpad for her artistic journey. We’re excited to learn more about her experiences, challenges, and how living in Berlin has influenced her work. Join us as we delve into her story and discover what it takes to build a creative business from the ground up.

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1. What inspired you to start your business on Etsy?

Well, I have a background in the arts. I have always felt curious about being an entrepreneur but never found the perfect time, or what I consider to be the right moment for it. Basically, I was too afraid to face the challenge before 😏 .

In my home in Buenos Aires I got several of my own drawings hanging on the walls, and also I painted a mural in the corridor. But I considered art as my hobby.

Once in Berlin, after my husband and I finally moved into our apartment, the first step was to furnish it. But as soon as I could, I started painting to fill my new walls 😍

While painting for my home, I flirted with the idea of calling myself an artist and imagined what would happen if I extended the possibilities of what I had done at home to other homes. This was an expansion of limits, in different senses.

I had no clue where to start. Then ideas started to appear from within, from friends, and the people around me and the first step on this journey was to open my Etsy shop.


2. What were you doing before you moved to Berlin and started your Etsy shop?

My previous “self” in Argentina was Executive and Personal Assistant, I had reached a top position in a big company, working a minimum of 15 hours a day yet I always found time to do things that gave me joy, like yôga, taking painting courses or even exploring different techniques for self-knowledge.

After the pandemic, and almost in sync with all the changes that have happened since then, the old me began to feel a need for something different.

As a young adult, I’d studied fashion design, a bit of Photography, and finally, arts. Philosophy, (self)expression and beauty always captivated me.


3. What types of products do you create and sell on Etsy?

My exploration has a goal, which is to express myself. I am wordy, but even through words I reach a limit, beyond which I cannot express myself fully. And that’s how art entered my life.

So I have my canvas on which to drop my thoughts, but in my online shop, I have started with posters. These come in different sizes, and clients can easily find distinct collections. Sometimes I look for a ‘topic to talk about’ in my posters and on others, the subjects appear alone.

I plan to develop special collections, where I can explore other kinds of mediums or products. I admire many artists that create amazing digital art and I would give it a try in the future but at the moment what I really connect with is playing with colours and acrylics 🙂.


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4. What challenges have you faced since launching your business?

Oooooh, It’s been a project of conquering myself, of finding a way to channel new desires, defeat old beliefs and replace them with new ones (still in process, as you can surely imagine); all the while I am discovering the path of a freelancer: how to correctly register with the Finanzamt (as a foreigner), learn about creating a personal brand, try to read tons of content about selling, marketing, finance for freelancers, and the list continues. But I’m optimistic that I will look back on these times and smile.

I do appreciate all the women that stand up, telling their stories of success, while also expressing all the challenges they’ve been through. They definitely inspire me to be myself, make my own mistakes and share them, so others can see they are not alone and we have all been beginners at some point.

5. What has been your biggest success or proudest moment since starting your Etsy shop?

Taking the leap of faith. And not only having the courage, but also cherishing that I’ve been encouraged by friends, and my partner. I am proud of myself for the bonds I’ve been able to build.

My path into Selbständigkeit is still short but I’m sure these bonds will remain as some of the most important in my life.


6. How do you market your products and reach potential customers?

Oh, I would love to know the answer to that question, as I’m still taking baby steps. Until now, I’ve only been posting on IG. A large part of my focus has been on passing a German exam (and to keep learning), so I’m still exploring how to boost posts on different platforms and I’m reading other people’s content as much as I can.

On the Etsy shop, I try to use the hashtags to appear in different searches but I’m planning to look for help if needed.


7. How do you engage with your customers and build a loyal following?

I have plans to make a mailing list; to offer more information about art, history, stories of different artists, and explore art alongside my customers.

On the other hand, I’m not looking to collect followers as many influencers do. Instead I expect to discover my own path as I make progress.


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8. How has living in Berlin influenced your business and creativity?

Berlin inspires me in every possible way, it was here that I built up enough courage to set up my project. The cultural agenda in the city is so rich that we can find plenty of options within a 15 minutes radius of home or work.

Freedom manifests itself in every corner, I feel like everything is possible, I love to see infinite possibilities for self expression, feel the multicultural energy, discover! discover! discover!

I commit to keeping a genuine approach to art, and to remain open to exploration.


9. How do you see your business evolving in the future?

As I said before, I have a LOT of ideas and I’m ready to allow myself the chance to explore, I think about launching capsules of products, stamping clothes and making wearable pieces. I wish to work with other artists, to learn and to create collaborations; create postcards, paintings, or offer workshops. I’m open to all options, and little by little I’ll give more shape to my project. In addition, I’d like to create bigger pieces, more expressive ones. I would love to participate as an illustrator for a book, and I hope to paint a mural in my Berliner home soon 🙂so I can get the feel how it could be to be a muralist for a while .


10. What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about starting their own business on Etsy?

Based on my own experience, READ A LOT before launching. The better you prepare, the more resources you’ll have! Study hard, make a plan, and trust yourself.

The path to validate one’s creativity can be or feel like an uphill battle but the process is always worth it if we are faithful to ourselves.

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