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Interview with Nicole Pieper - the founder of a somatic bodywork practice

· pantarei body therapy,physical therapy,balance

Dear Ladies,

Meet our wonderful community member Nicole @nicole_theoneandonly, a body therapist who has traveled a fascinating path from her upbringing in Apartheid South Africa to becoming a practitioner in Berlin. Nicole’s journey is one of curiosity and connection. With a background in psychology, she has spent years exploring what makes us human, and her work in somatic therapy focuses on helping people feel truly seen and heard. In this interview, Nicole talks about how the pandemic changed her practice, her love for her dog Kiwi, and how she’s reimagining her business without the usual pressure to be perfect. She also shares some heartfelt advice for other women navigating their own entrepreneurial journeys. Nicole’s story is relatable and inspiring, offering a refreshing take on finding balance and fulfillment in both work and life.


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Can you share a bit about your background and what led you to become a body therapist?

As a child growing up in Apartheid South Africa, I always questioned the status quo. Why do we judge and condemn based on differences in skin tone, hair curl, or body shape? What drives us to berate, belittle, and segregate? Conversely, what enables us to reach out, open our hearts, and truly listen?

My quest for answers finally led me to pursue a BSc in psychology. Yet it took me another seven years of travel, teaching, and moving between the UK and Argentina, to find my calling in somatic work, upon arriving in Berlin. Since 2013, I’ve been honing my skills as a practitioner, inching a little closer to understanding our shared humanity.

When we manage to see beyond our immediate differences, recognising each person’s unique perspective, vision, life experiences, challenges, wishes, and dreams, we connect from a more humane place—a place that unites us.

What was your business like before the pandemic, and what services did you offer?

There’s definitely a before and after when it comes to the Pandemic. In the years running up to the first lockdown, I was, in addition to giving one-to-one somatic sessions, teaching group classes of SwáSthya Yôga. I hosted quite a number of group and in-company workshops.

How did the pandemic impact your practice?

Well, it turned everything online, which is just not the same. I love working with people, and there’s nothing like feeling, sensing and connecting with someone in-person. You can do a lot remotely but being able to feel through the body and include the element of touch; now that’s where the magic happens, especially in the work I do.

What motivated you to extend your body therapy business again?

I guess it was a combination of finding another beautiful space in which to work and taking part in the first Advanced Training Course of the Pantarei Approach. The Pantarei Approach forms the base of my work and this advanced training is moving things inside me like nothing before. It is reawakening the confidence I have in my abilities and experiences and it is deepening my skill set, making my sessions with clients even more fulfilling.

What changes or new strategies are you implementing as you relaunch your business?

This time around I am doing things without the performance/perfectionist pressure that can so often creep into my agenda. I am open to connecting, exploring and sharing my work in ways that resonate with me. Here word-of-mouth is key. Instead of pushing myself to go to networking events that I don’t feel resonate, or spending excessive amounts of time creating things online, I’m connecting with people I enjoy being around and I’m inviting people to work with me, who I feel are a good fit.

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How has getting a dog 1 year ago impacted your work-life balance?

I could never have imagined how much love my little sweetheart, Kiwi, would awaken within me. Of course, she also requires a lot of time and attention and luckily I have my wonderful partner, who helps take care of her. While I don’t have so much time to myself anymore I do get to spend more time outdoors, going for walks and playing. I also get to meet many more people out and about. Having a dog along, is such a great ice-breaker and gets people talking, and sharing their experiences. I’m also training her to accompany me in sessions and classes, so it’s great to have her along at work.

Have you noticed any positive effects on your clients’ therapy experiences due to the presence of your dog?

Kiwi is definitely a great source of joy. Thankfully my clients have all loved having her around and yes, I do believe she adds a unique quality of acknowledgment and connection, particularly to the start and end of every session.

What are your goals for your physical therapy business in the coming year

This year, I’d like to share this valuable work with more people in a way that feels natural and organic. I want to have a flow between working and traveling, engaging intensely and spending time in nature. I believe this year will bring me to another level in my personal development, through the courses and self-work I’m doing, which will no doubt infuse into the value of what I can offer my clients in return.

What lessons have you learned throughout this journey that you’d like to share with aspiring entrepreneurs in your field?

Great question and one I too need frequent reminders of. I’d say: connect to your vision and what your heart tells you is the direction in which to go. Then keep at it: invest, learn, make mistakes, adapt, grow. Whatever you do, keep following your dreams and find ways of doing so that align with who you are. You are unique and no one else’s blueprint, path or example, no matter how shiny, will fit you 100%. You need to do you.

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It's been a pleasure chatting with Nicole ( and hearing her insights about body therapy and entrepreneurship. Her journey from South Africa to Berlin, combined with her approach to business, reminds us that success is about embracing authenticity and connection every step of the way. Nicole's story highlights the importance of finding joy in the process and staying true to ourselves, offering valuable lessons for anyone on their own entrepreneurial path.

As we wrap up, we hope Nicole's story inspires you to pursue your passions with an open heart and a willingness to grow. Whether you're starting your career or looking to explore new directions, remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. Thanks for joining us, and a big thank you to Nicole for sharing her experiences! We can't wait to see where her journey takes her next.

Get in touch with Nicole:
Instagram  @nicole_theoneandonly
Coach Profile