Dear Ladies,
today we have a very special interview to share with you.
Tango dancer, dance studio owner, fashion designer, DJ, traveller, floral artist - that is all Mona Isabelle @mona_isabelle_ - a beautiful, artistic and courageous woman whose heart beats for Tango Argentine.
In her deep, honest, and emotional interview Mona shares with us her path of finding her biggest passion in life, the challenges and the exciting experiences that came along with it.
With no doubt you will find here tons of inspiration, courage and faith for yourself and your own heart projects!
Enjoy reading the interview with Mona below.
Dear Mona, you have many interesting & inspiring projects, but they all stem from one big passion Tango Argentine. Could you please tell us how it all started, how did you fall in love with tango?
He invited me to a milonga and I still remember how fascinated I was, by the whole evening, the music, the dancing and the atmosphere.
The desire to have my own milonga one day matured during this time.
From this initial impulse the Tango-Loft-Milonga was born - my child with Henning Klose, with whom I was together at the time..
A place for modern Argentine Tango in a romantically decorated room full of flowers.
As a co-owner of one of the most beautiful & stylish tango studios in Berlin - Tango-Loft - what do you enjoy the most about your work? What was particularly challenging for you?
I'm so happy and grateful that I can run this wonderful milonga and the beautiful Loft we have created. I love my work so much.
The many dancers that I have met throughout the past years, the great musicians and in general the people with whom I work make me happy.
Would I manage to turn a barren, dreary factory-loft into a unique atmospheric, cozy place?
Would the dancers continue to like my style of music?
You travel a lot around the world, dance at tango festivals, perform as a DJ, etc. How do you combine these two aspects - managing a dance studio and travelling?
I love the variety between my work at the Tang-Loft and international festivals. It keeps my mind creative, young and alive.
Berlin is blooming all year long thanks to your wonderful “flower flashes”. Could you please tell us more about this bold & exciting project and how did you come up with it?
It was around the same time, that I discovered the US flower artist Lewis Miller on Instagram who created so-called Flower Flashes in the city of New York.
His work inspired me tremendously and I wanted to do this as well.
Since then, I have been creating my own Flower Flashes in Berlin.
Everything that inspires me flows into my flower art. I enjoy watching peoples delight as they see my work and start to smile.
Moments when I danced Argentine-Tango, or even when I prepared a milonga for my guests, when suddenly I realized how deeply satisfying it was to do what I really wanted to do.
It is from these moments that I draw my energy and inner strength.
I also try to be positive in my heart and mind.
People, flowers, nature, music, colors, cultures of different countries ...
I enjoy rediscovering and reinventing myself time and time again.
It has not always been this easy for me to open up to new things and in the past I hardly dared to live my dreams.
But the feeling of not doing what I really wanted to do was stronger in the end.
My friends helped me a lot in these phases and supported me by giving me both courage and strength.
Friendship is very important to me.
We are planning a tour through Europe and South America in 2019.
After studying fashion design and working as a fashion designer, I had a well-paid job that I enjoyed. But my love and passion for Tango was greater than it had ever been for fashion design.
There was a moment in my life when I felt I only had energy to do one thing or the other, but not both.
I had to make a choice and so I made the decision to pursue Tango, even though I had much less income with this new pursuit than I had previously working in the fashion business.
This decision came from my heart and not from my common sense.
I will always continue to trust my gut feeling instead of trusting papers and numbers!
Paths will lay open the moment you start to dream. Talk to people and search for solutions together with friends.
Sometimes it is also good to start with a partner who shares responsibility and also makes some of the decisions.
You cannot do it all by yourself, but you will grow stronger with each new challenge as long as the initial fire remains a part of your thinking.
There is a line with a special meaning for me: “In jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne” which translates to “Every new beginning is alive with magic”.
I wish to always have the courage to enter new doors and rooms.
Not to be afraid of what is new.
I want to give the new seed the power to blossom into a new flower.
Even though I am often afraid to let go, I would like to trust in the power of birth.